Starfleet Task Force 31 Awards Program

STF31 Awards Program News

The awards listed on the links appearing on the side bar on the right are officially recognized by STF31. These awards recognize STF31 personnel, chapters and associates for outstanding and significant service, deeds, accomplishments and achievements. Awards that are issued by other STF31 Programs. For more information on those programs, please feel free to use the links listed below:

For MACO awards criteria:
MACO Awards Program | Taskforce31

These awards are recognized from the chapter (ship or installation) level to the STF31 level, thus in order to keep the program as simple as possible, there are no different levels of the same awards. Instead, the awards are appropriate for the action or accomplishment being cited.

Carefully read the award criteria in order to determine the appropriate award for recommendation. All awards are listed in the descending order or precedence. An explanation of the ribbons (TOS style or TWOK style) and devices are described in the awards manual and this site.


********** NOTICE **********

The new STF31 Awards Manual has been completed and is available for download at

The STF31 Sector Awards Manual should be completed shortly. Once it becomes available, we will post an announcement…

Fleet Admiral Paul C. Dyl
Commander, STF31


*****Attention to Orders*****

The following STF31 Awards are announced for the 2023 Annual Chapter Awards Cycle.

Chapter of the Year – USS Titan (Sector 03)

Shuttle of the Year – USS Nomad (Sector 13)

Support Chapter of the Year – USS Lynx (Sector 01)

Commanding Officer of the Year – COM Joel Ehl- USS Nomad (S13)

Enlisted Member of the Year – CRM Natalie Young- USS Starward Fury (S03)

Officer of the Year – LT David Robinette-USS Seawolf (S01)

Flag Officer of the Year – COM Paul G Dyl- USS Rhode Island (S01)

Junior Member of the Year – CDT Katrina Dubois- USS Europa (S01)

Newsletter of the Year – No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year – No Submissions Submitted

Publication of the Year – No Submissions Submitted


Annual Awards:

Chapter of the Year – USS Victorious NCC-40967-A

Shuttle of the Year – Shuttle Lynx NX-8491

Support Chapter of the Year – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Commanding Officer of the Year – ADM Mark Anderson – USS Victorious NCC-40967-A

Enlisted Member of the Year – PO2 Paula Mulvey – USS Excalibur NCC-26517

Officer of the Year – CDR John Mogilka Jr – Station Robert De Bruce SFR-102

Flag Officer of the Year – ADM Paul C Dyl – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Junior Member of the Year – CDT Xander Reynolds – USS Gallifrey

Newsletter of the Year:

Newsletter of the Year- No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year:

Best Chapter website – No Submissions Submitted

Publication of the Year:

Best Chapter Publication – No Submissions Submitted


Annual Awards:

Chapter of the Year – USS Rhode Island NCC-72701

Shuttle of the Year – Shuttle Bellerophon NX-74705

Support Chapter of the Year – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Commanding Officer of the Year – CPT Timothy Dyl – USS Rhode Island NCC-72701

Enlisted Member of the Year – SCPO Kay Coots – USS Liberty NCC-75012

Officer of the Year – CPT Douglas Kirk – USS Titan NCC-20102

Flag Officer of the Year – ADM Barry Jackson – Station Robert De Bruce SFR-102

Junior Member of the Year – CDT 1CL Zackery Dyl – USS Panther NCC-74922

Newsletter of the Year:

Newsletter of the Year- No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year:

Best Chapter website – No Submissions Submitted

Publication of the Year:

Best Chapter Publication – No Submissions Submitted


Annual Awards:

Chapter of the Year – USS Victorious NCC-40967-A

Shuttle of the Year – Shuttle Rhode Island NX-72701

Support Chapter of the Year – Station Robert De Bruce SFR-102

Commanding Officer of the Year – ADM Mark Anderson – USS Victorious NCC-40967-A

Enlisted Member of the Year – PO1 Rose Mogilka – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Officer of the Year – CDR Paul G Dyl – Shuttle Rhode Island NX-72701

Flag Officer of the Year – ADM Mark Anderson – USS Victorious NCC-40967-A

Junior Member of the Year – CDT Xander Reynolds – USS Gallifrey NCV-4744391

Newsletter of the Year:

Newsletter of the Year- No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year:

Best Chapter website – No Submissions Submitted

Publication of the Year:

Best Chapter Publication – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494 Membership Manual


Annual Awards:

Chapter of the Year – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Shuttle of the Year – No Chapter Submitted

Support Chapter of the Year – No Chapter Submitted

Commanding Officer of the Year – CPT David Richards – USS George Washington NCC-7374

Enlisted Member of the Year – SCPO Mary Lloyd – USS Panther NCC-74922

Officer of the Year – LCDR Paul G Dyl – USS Rhode Island NCC-72701

Flag Officer of the Year – VADM Barry Jackson – Station Robrt de Bruce SFR-102

Junior Member of the Year – Cadet Eddie ReynoldsUSS Gallifrey NCV-4744391

Newsletter of the Year:

Newsletter of the Year- No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year:

Best Chapter website – USS George Washington NCC-7374

Publication of the Year:

Best Chapter Publication – USS Helen Pawlowski Membership Handbook


Annual Awards:

Chapter of the Year – Station Robert De Bruce SFR-102

Shuttle of the Year – No Submissions Submitted

Support Chapter of the Year – No Submissions Submitted

Commanding Officer of the Year – VADM Barry Jackson – Station Robert De Bruce SFR-102

Enlisted Member of the Year – CPO Mary Lloyd – USS Panther NCC-74922

Officer of the Year – LCDR Timothy Dyl – USS Liberty NCC-75012

Flag Officer of the Year – VADM Paul C Dyl – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Junior Member of the Year – CDT Natalie Young – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Newsletter of the Year:

Newsletter of the Year- No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year:

Best Chapter website – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Publication of the Year:

Best Chapter Publication – USS Panther NCC-74922 Handbook


Annual Awards:

Chapter of the Year – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Shuttle of the Year – No Submissions Submitted

Support Chapter of the Year – No Submissions Submitted

Commanding Officer of the Year – VADM Paul Dyl – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Enlisted Member of the Year – CPO Mary Lloyd – USS Panther NCC-74922

Officer of the Year – CDR Ashley Walker – USS Bellerophon NCC-74705

Flag Officer of the Year – VADM Paul C Dyl – USS Helen Pawlowski NCC-8494

Junior Member of the Year – CDT Elizabeth Fike – USS Freedom NCC-71817

Newsletter of the Year:

Newsletter of the Year- No Submissions Submitted

Website of the Year:

Best Chapter website – No Submissions Submitted

Publication of the Year:

Best Chapter Publication – No Submissions Submitted

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